As Usual the Editor cannot be held responsible the views and opinions expressed here by the Gossip fairy. In fact the Editor has never met her/him, and is only in the business of passing on the said gossip. As to its authenticity, I in no way can vouch. Personally I would not trust a fairy as far as I could blow it.
Hello everybody your mutated hottie of gossip here. I have more exciting rumors from the mill we call Golgothica! I can't say its all true but who cares if its juicy.
First up a huge "I am sorry" to the fish loving gypsy of Golgothica! Seems after a grilling and a rake over the hot coals my fishy informant proved to be a liar. Yes its true all rumors of sexual misconduct were false. I am now left with egg on my chin and a fishy taste in my mouth!
(If anyone has a cat I have fish pieces they can have for free)
Next up there is a story going around that a peeping tom is loose in our beloved woods! Fair gypsy maidens beware. A certain demon was caught spying on a fair maiden, but he is not alone in his spying OH no the woods have eyes ladies and gents. Seems a new sport is rife with Golgothicas high ranks!
Also a word of warning to the elders of out fair home a conman has been reported in the area. Already he has tried to sell anti fire and theft insurance to a certain firm of woodsmen based at the wickerman. I feel he was on loser there. Remember always ask for ID before letting anyone in.
Which reminds me its not long now till Beltane folks. I will be hidden amongst you and will be reporting on who was with whom and who wore what so I suggest you get to sowing your best frocks girls or you might end up on my pages for all the wrong reasons. Keep those rumor fires burning. Kisses my lovelies.
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