I am often to be found on these warmer afternoons wandering the highways and byways of this fare land.
And on many an occasion I find myself in good conversation with those I meet on the path.
Just a day or so back I was passing Gibbit hill farm and who should be there in the yard but the young farm owner, a very pleasant girl in both manner and looks. She was at the time having a little trouble with a very large bull. Well, we got to talking and she told me one or two things I thought might be of interest to you dear readers, so here is a little of what she said.
You want to know about the farm life Sir?
Aye, its a lovely place. Work and Play I say.
Why, you ask?
Well, I have the Hens Sir, the best egg laying ones you'll ever see.
You try finding eggs scattered around the farm,
not a easy task.
Then there's those Honey Bees, and can those bees make their Honey.
I've even been chased a few times to the river and held for hours, freezing up to my chin!
Dont you laugh. Someone gots to do it.
Its also Peaceful here to Sir
There is always a fresh sea breeze to blow away your troubled thoughts,
the Rich soil to bring up new life
and the best Gol Cattle this land has seen yet.
Aye aye, they are tamed, Obedient Creatures---
Great mother Bovine, Dom you drop that chicken!
Err, Have I mention its Peaceful?
Sorry what did you say Sir?
how did he get off his chain..
Hm? Names?
My Cattle, Well, first we have Dom..
..yeah the bull terrorizing the chickens
then we have the two Ladies of course, Beautiful Clover and Little Daisy.
Dazzling creatures don't you think?
Where did you say you just came from?
Oh the Village? Well... a scattered lot they are, I rarely go there now a days.
Since I moved here, seems everyone does there own thing, no order in the place..
We needs some of that.
Wheres the mayor?
Well I knew the old man, Good soul, he was.
Ya, knew him.
He disappeared last spring.
Course I know what happen, you see everything out here.
Saw him skipping to the Gypsy camp, humming like a young lad in love..
All that was found the next day were his breeches..
Was he a head turner?
Nay, but Like I said he was a kind man, the Ladies Did enjoy a good.. chat with him.
One of the Gypsy seemed to think so as well..
Now you got me blushin!
Come to think of it he was acting strange before that, Seen Him with some Demons a few times, in the forest, trading something or another.
Didn't really think much of it before now.
Then the strangest thing happen, one of the villagers, gave birth, Horrible process I heard, Poor Miss.
Why was it strange?
Come closer sir, wouldn't want word of this to leak out.
You see.. the baby at pointed ears.
Yes! pointed I said.
Nay, I cant tell you where he’s hidden! the mother forbids it.
Hush Sir.
That is not safe talk to be held out in the open.
Someone could be listening
Sir if you Please, that’s a tale for another day...
Now I must be getting back to My labors-
Oh and Sir, be for you go
For my time, the bull need a fetching If you would be so kind.
Be you mindful of his horns...
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