Welcome Friends!
Welcome to this the first edition of your local News broadsheet, The Golgothian.
I am looking forward to providing you with an informative, useful, and also,I hope at times, amusing read, for those of you that can that is. Others not so blessed with the opportunity of a decent education will, I am sure, be able to find a friend willing to read aloud this organ of information to them.
Well, spring is almost upon us and there is much hustle and bustle in the village,
The the forest is also beginning to spring into life once more after its long winter sleep, and our great rulers are blessing us with many more visits to the Village now that the snow has finally melted and gone.
I should here add that I am extremely grateful to The Lords and Ladies of the Arisen for there kindness in giving me leave to publish this humble news sheet. May their shadows ever darken our paths. Thank you.
Please note: my humble printing press, and on occasion myself, can be found on the upper floor of the School building (just past the Bakers shop heading towards the Abbey.
Well I am not a great one for words myself, more of a channel for the dissemination of the words of others, so without further ado I will place before you the divers collection of articles that have passed into my hands over the past few weeks.
Good Reading to you all.
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