Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rape accusations

I have been asked to print the below statement. It is followed by a reply by the party in question. it is in her own words. I have not edited either and both are as I recieved them.

From Franz.

For all to know, the candidate of the Lumberman is falsely accused of threatenings of rape.
Horrific false rumours and gossips are spreading througout the places to deviate the attention, destroy the honour of the Lumberman, and promote another candidacy that will bring us to brink and destruction.
Golgothians, do not believe these wrong accusations and trust the Lumberman.
These rumours, are even now affecting the duties of the Lumberman whose integrity is at stake. The Lumberman sends this message to stop them and to repeat once again that his agents do not mengle into personal affairs when they are on duty
The Lumberman will support his candidate as his experience speaks by himself, as his program derives from this experience and as he has the real exclusive willingness to bring Wytchaven and all the Golgothians to preace and stability.

Gebo's reply

Gebby was cleaning the floor in the inn, The Badman, that lumberer, comes in and asks me loads of questions, about things that are not his to ask. Then he sez about Gebby wearing her new kimono, me mam bought it for me, it's got flowers on.
He sez that me mam will be angry with me when i gets home raped for teasing men and he stands next to me and rubs hisself on me while he sez it.
Gebby was scared and runned away, Don't want no trouble, don't want to get in trouble with me mam. Gebby is scared that the Badman might do something horrid to the pretty ladies in the village, scare them, like he keeps scaring poor Gebby when he comes up and tries to talk to her all the time. Gebby dun no about much, but she knows when she's scared. Gebby dun knowed why The Badman keeps tryin to make Gebby look bad. lyin' bout what he did, Gebby never done nuthink wrong.

Gebby dun want no trouble, miss.

Curtsies and runs from the room sobbing.

This paper makes no comment on either statement.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Hello people of golgothica. We have below the three canidates staements of intention for you all to read. In this papers view only one is suitable for the post however to keep things fair we will not state which. So please read all carefully when making up your mind. I will see you at teh voting booths.

Delphi Dawn

Greetings Citizens and Masters!

Let me introduce myself. I am Jacob Ethelstan, you may have seen me about Wytchaven already and I hope I have left an air of optimism and my excellent taste in clothes a smile on your weather worn faces. I am running for Mayor not as a revolutionary but as a man with experience who will give his all. My time here has been spent speaking with the smelliest of peasants and the hardest nosed business people, doing my best to get a rounded understanding of what we need to make all our lives a little easier. I can’t promise you a life of safety; as serfs under sometimes harsh masters and with the threat of selfish rebels it would be a lie to tell you that was possible. However, I would strive on your behalf to make those risks as small as possible; not aggravate them with false promises of equality or foolhardiness.
I would do my best to encourage new blood to the village and cease the influx taking place from our community into the rebel ranks. My intention would similarly be to strengthen the bonds of communication not only between master and serf but within the village itself, bringing Wytchaven to its true potential as a community. By beating down the unemployment we could do away with any wistfulness and give a sense of pride to all. And just a glance of my fine coat and hat would give pride to all as the knowledge spread that such a fine creature represented our society!
I also think it is important to strangle out the rise of rebellion that is sweeping our land. Many of them claim to be our friends, allies, but this is not the case. They arouse the ire of our Lords and Ladies and leave the burden of the blood tax to others whilst living without a care in their hidden dens. I would offer rewards for information that leads to the capture of these insurgents. I would work closely with high ranking Arisen to see that their most valuable asset, their food supply, is effectively protected both from rebels, villagers of poor character and overly enthusiastic undead.
I am fully approachable in almost every circumstance and would be more than happy to discuss any issues you might have whilst out on my daily strolls. In addition I would hold weekly council at the Town Hall and invite all to attend and share their grievances and wishes. Along side I would ask for two meetings in my month with the Arisen to convey your message amongst their ranks. Any who considered themselves worthy of working as a councillor I would consider and put through a strenuous interview to check their loyalty and appropriateness.
Thank you for taking the time to weigh me against the other candidates. If I make office I’d be quite happy to accept gifts of money and delicious food…which would be in no way a bribe… *Ahem* A vote for me is a vote for a brighter Wytchaven!

Ich Bin Ein Whytchavener

Greetings to you. My name is Karl von Fromund and I'm running for Mayor in your village of Whytchaven. You may think you don't know me, or haven't met me, but the chances are that I've already met you, spoken to you or cleaned your windows. I came to your lovely village about 3 weeks ago and, during that time, have witnessed the daily activities of village life. Most of these are, I am sorry to say, things we witness here on a daily basis such as theft, enslavement, rape and murder. It was around my second week in this beautiful village that I realised I could do something, to help both the villagers and our Lords, the Arisen. I reasoned that if I had an opportunity to take the position of Mayor I could bring about some change. I am sure most of us believe our lives could do with a little improvement and when I am elected improving your quality of life will be my top priority. How would you do that I hear you ask? Well, the first thing I would do would be to request a great meeting with out Lords, to discuss that particular point and to enable us to bring a more peaceful time to our village streets. To make Whytchaven a place where a young maiden can walk without fear of being raped by a passing traveller, slayer or righteous. Also, a place where our young men can grow up without being seduced to join some worthless outlaw/slayer band. Aye and a place where our children will learn to honor and love their rightfull Masters, who in turn will protect and cherish them.So before you cast you vote think carefully, do you want your time here to be lived out in the middle of a dangerous battlefied that sets family against family, mother against daughter? Or would you prefer a peaceful resting place where those that love their masters are cherished an honored? And if you want that peace then there is only one solution - vote for Honest Karl von Fromund because I will be able to provide the peace and security our lovely village so desparately needs and derserves.

Esteemed Golgothians,

The election of our Mayor is an important date in our history. The Mayor will be the representative of each one of us, and will be invested with a special legitimacy that will distinguish him from all other Golgothians. Hence this vote will cast and influence our future. This election should be the opportunity of a new era where our development will rely on our capacity to merge, integrate, and assimilate new members into the life of the community. I will devote myself, first and foremost to this action. The creation of the school will be instrumental and will help this development.
In view of very special and unique responsibility of the Mayor, I propose the following first measures:- I will be assisted with 3 or 4 deputy Mayors so that the coordination and animation presence of the Mayor will be almost permanently assumed. - I will institute a city council with 6 seats constituted with 3 prominent villagers (the school principal, one merchant and one craft-worker), and with the elders of our 3 neighbours (the Wytches, the Righteous and the Slayers). The city council will meet once a week and treat all subject of common interest, the development of the different groups, and the integration of the new members without interfering into the rulings that apply to the livings.- I will in parallel hold weekly general audiences to listen directly to your problems, and find ways to follow them and help you solve them. - I will institute a reception procedure so that the new members will be guided and supported during their integration process.- I will develop this in close understanding with the Lords, with which I will have weekly audiences. I will develop in parallel friendly links with each clan leader to help resolve delicate personal issues, and seek mutual compromises.
I am there for a month, and I intend to have a busy monthly schedule. - First, we need to have a welcoming and clean village. I will order a disinfection of all houses as it has been done at the Lodge. I will advocate the development of a sanitation card so that the citizens could be controlled against venereal diseases and ill sexual intercourses between livings and Arisens. - Second, the Mayor will develop stable and growing activities at the village by providing financial incentives and assistance to all those entrepreneurs that will submit credible and solid programs: we need the development of our services such as a Lawyer, an Accountant, an Estate manager, a Writer, etc.... I will also strive to incite the Lords to redevelop maintenance and services at the Castles.- Third, this a place where we should all find pleasures, fun and events, I will from now start the preparation of the end of June feast festival.
More generally, I will act as the animator of our development, so as to change the desires of all the Golgothians into positive actions.I intend to listen to each one of you so that your frustrations, even those of even a simple visitor or guest will find a positive issue. I will strive to set limits or perspectives so that the misunderstandings and differences between all groups and/or individuals will find ways to be solved or to develop for the common interest of all.
I will act with the long term perspective of the common Interest of the Lords and their subjects, by remaining steadily and with never failing in my relations with them, as the representative of the Villagers and their neighbors. My first solidarity will go to the Livings. I will put my oath and will give my life for this if required.
The Lords, in their overwhelming intelligence, have given us the means to show to them that they can trust their subjects: let us grasp it. Golgothian, I count on you!

So there you have it people. I hope you read them all carefully and not just the first one which is great.However, it wouldn't be fair on the canidates not to read them all fully. Now as I walked into my office this morning i spelt cinnamon which means that damn gossip fairy has been sneaking around again. As per usual we here at the golgothican can not varify her sources or if anything she says is more than half truth, but she is rather amusing so.....

The gossip fairy strikes again!

Hello my darlings, your sparkly eyed goddess of gossip here once more. Well its election time in our fair town and news is traveling as fast as the clap in the lodge.

First up shocking news! One of the canidates running for mayor was accused of threatening our poor sweet village idiot with rape. I mean this is a man we are supposed to turn to for help? Ladies I suggest iron knickers if you go near him cause he has more than one type of wood. (clue to which one is hidden cunningly in the text)

The second of our canidates also has an air of offness about him. In fact like long dead and still walking adn well past his sell by date. He was seen recently caked in make up to hide his pale skin. I wish he had cleaned his teeth too, as the smell of old blood lingers. Either that or he is decidely fruity if you know what i mean.

Which leads me to the third and final canidate. Although much loved by this paper and a favorite with the bookies this canidate was seen in a rather frilly number. Now we all know he is a snappy dresser but silk knickers? Anyway womens smalls aside or in his case large with extra support and built in corset. We wish you luck.

My final words I save for all those who are loyal followers of my little ray of sunshine called a column. Remember to vote, make sure rapists and liars do not get in and if you see a man in make up help him out he looks like a reject from that touring actor troup last year!
Sleep well and pleasent dreams for our dreams can not be taxed yet!